
  1. Incident Report is filed by a Responsible Employee or Complainant and is received by Title IX Coordinator.
  2. Title IX Coordinator reaches out to the Complainant to offer resources, answer questions, and explain the formal and informal process.The report is reviewed for jurisdiction of the policy/ forwarded to relevant administrative offices for review
  3. The TitleIXCoordinator opens the investigation upon receipt of the written Complaint.
  4. TheCoordinator will send notice of allegations to the parties, and assign an investigator.
  5. The investigator will reach out to the parties, witnesses, and collect evidence.
  6. The Evidentiary Report is issued to the parties, and written responses to the report are collected.
  7. The Investigatory Report is sent to parties and advisors.
  8. The Live hearing occurs.
  9. The written decision is received by the hearing officer including sanctions.
  10. Appeal period begins if necessary.

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Deputy Chief Diversity Officer and Title IX Coordinator